Smart home

What if I’m trying to command multiple thermostats through Amazon Alexa?

You can control multiple Sensi thermostats in your home using Amazon Alexa. Follow the same steps as you would when linking a single Sensi thermostat. When Alexa discovers your connected devices, she will find all your connected Sensi thermostats, and these thermostats will appear by the names you have given them. For instance, in your Sensi app, if you have named one of your thermostats “living room thermostat” and another “upstairs thermostat,” Alexa will find both thermostats during discovery.

Whether you have one or more Sensi thermostats, commands will work the same. You will need to use the specific name you’ve given each thermostat.

For instance, in the following examples, let’s say you’ve named your first Sensi thermostat “living room” and your second “upstairs.”

  • “Alexa – set living room to 68 degrees.”
  • “Alexa – set upstairs to 72 degrees.”


Amazon Alexa connected home device group

If you want to control both thermostats at the same time, the Amazon Alexa app allows you to create and name connected home device groups. For instance, you can create a device group and call it, “My home thermostats.” Once you create this group in your Alexa app, you can control multiple Sensi thermostats at once by saying, “Alexa – set my home thermostats temperature to 72 degrees.”


Here is more information on setting up connected home device groups in your Amazon Alexa app.