How to win temperature wars with your home thermostat

Your home thermostat doesn’t have to be a battleground
Winter’s icy chill is upon us. For many of us, the battle to control the home thermostat heats up as the temperature goes down. She likes it hot. He likes it cool. She wants to be comfortable. He wants to save money. Sound familiar? Don’t let arguments over your home thermostat get you hot under the collar. Sensi™ Smart Thermostats are here to help.
Here are some easy tips to help you win the home thermostat temperature wars.
Check for drafts and leaks
Drafty windows and doors are the first culprit of low energy efficiency. Not only do they let cold air into your home, they let all of the hot air out. Check the caulking and window-stripping on your windows and doors and replace anything that is broken and cracked. Also, check your insulation for damage and replace and look at places that would benefit from additional insulation, like crawlspaces, attics and basements. Insulation slows the heat transfer through building materials so it can help maintain your home temperature and alleviate stress on your HVAC system.
Read more about finding and fixing home energy leaks.
Consider redecorating
Your interior design could be affecting your home comfort. Simple changes to your home décor, like adding area rugs and heavier, insulated drapes and curtains, can go a long way to keeping your valuable heat from escaping. Lower energy bills, stylish home, warm feet. Win for everyone.
Get more tips on how to design your house to save money.
Use schedules and features for comfort and savings
Sensi thermostats lets you create custom temperature schedules for each day of the week to make it easy to create multiple schedules to match your family’s routine. Does he get up first and like it warm? Use the Early Start feature to make sure the bedroom is comfortable in the early hours then create a schedule to turn the home thermostat temperature down a bit when he leaves for the day.
Know that cooler temperatures are better for inducing slumber but she just can’t get seem to get to sleep in a cold bedroom? Create a schedule to raise the temp a bit around her bedtime and then gradually reduce it for optimal sleep and energy savings.
Read more about how temperature can affect your sleep.
Did you both agree on the home temperature settings but one is being sneaky and changing the temperature when the other isn’t looking? Two words: Keypad Lockout.
Learn how to secure your Sensi thermostat with Keypad Lockout.
With seven independent day schedules, easy app navigation, and features you actually need, it’s super easy to use Sensi thermostat technology to help you win the home thermostat temperature wars.