Easy fall HVAC maintenance tips

Fall HVAC maintenance will optimize your heating and cooling equipment for the new season
It’s the perfect season for performing simple fall HVAC maintenance. After staying dormant during the spring and summer months, the switch from cooling to heating can put a strain on your equipment. The last thing you want is an expensive maintenance call or repair at the peak of the cold weather. It’s much better to see if you have any small issues now to take care of them before then turn into bigger problems. Luckily, there are easy tasks you can do to optimize your HVAC performance and make sure your home stays comfortable and cozy in the upcoming winter months. Here’s a quick list of fall HVAC maintenance tips.
Check for drafts and leaks
Drafty windows and doors are the first culprit of low energy efficiency. Not only do they let cold air into your home, they let all of the hot air out. Check the caulking and window-stripping on your windows and doors and replace anything that is broken or cracked. You should also seal the attic with weather-stripping and clean the chimney. Finally, check your insulation for damage and replace and look at places that would benefit from additional insulation, like crawlspaces, attics and basements. Insulation slows the heat transfer through building materials so it can help maintain your home temperature and alleviate some stress on your HVAC system. All of these small projects will go a long way in preventing the heat from leaching out of your home. Read more tips on finding home energy leaks.
Clear the air
Inspect all of the heating vents and registers for any obstructions and vacuum out all of the summer dust. Also, look for any furniture that might be blocking the vents and consider redecorating to maximize the airflow. Another easy HVAC maintenance task is to change the air filter. A clean air filter can increase the efficiency of your HVAC system and can also help to keep your family healthy by decreasing allergens in your home. Lastly, adjust the blades on your ceiling fans clockwise to help pull the air up to the ceiling.
Use Sensi™ Smart Thermostats
Using your Sensi thermostat is the easiest way to ready your HVAC equipment for fall and winter savings. Use your Sensi mobile app to adjust your temperature set point or add new schedules for the colder season.
You can easily save energy in the winter by setting the thermostat to 68°F while you’re awake and setting it lower while you’re asleep or away from home. By turning your thermostat back 10° to 15° for 8 hours, you can save 5% to 15% a year on your heating bill — a savings of as much as 1% for each degree if the setback period is eight hours long. The percentage of savings from setback is greater for buildings in milder climates than for those in more severe climates. -Energy.gov
And since you’re always connected to your home thermostat through your Sensi app, you can easily adjust your settings on the go. Like during a rogue heat wave in the middle of November.
Learn more about the Sensi mobile app and using settings and schedules.
Call the Professionals
Call your local heating and cooling contractor and schedule a professional inspection and tune-up of your HVAC system. Their knowledge and tools can help detect small problems before they turn into big ones and make sure your home is ready for the new season. A fall HVAC maintenance tune-up will help to ensure proper functionality, improve your energy efficiency, reduce the need for future repairs, maintain your manufacturer’s warranty and most importantly – keep you and your family safe and comfortable.