What is a ventilator and how does that work with Touch 2?
If you have a Sensi Touch 2 Smart Thermostat, then you can have a licensed HVAC professional install a ventilator and configure it with your thermostat.
A ventilator is a device integrated with your HVAC system that brings fresh outdoor air into your home, enhancing indoor air quality. It not only helps to improve air circulation but also plays a role in temperature and humidity levels for a more comfortable living environment.
When you have a ventilator and a Touch 2 you have 2 options for running your ventilator.
- With this setting you can select the number of minutes your ventilator runs per hour. This does not consider outdoor temperature or humidity unless you have mixing enabled.
- When mixing is enabled, it can help cool, heat, humidify, or dehumidify your house with outdoor air. You will choose a temperature or humidity level at which you want the system to pull in outdoor air.
- Example: When enabled on cool mode. You set you outdoor air temperature to 50 degrees for cool mode. The thermostat will call for your ventilator to run if the temperature is below 50 degrees.
- The ventilator will continue to pull in outdoor air until your set point is met or the outdoor air temperature goes about your chosen limit. (This can run your ventilator past your minimum run time.)
- When mixing is enabled, it can help cool, heat, humidify, or dehumidify your house with outdoor air. You will choose a temperature or humidity level at which you want the system to pull in outdoor air.
With Limits
When running your ventilator on the with limits setting, you will still pick a minimum run time but, you set a temperature or humidity limit, so your ventilator will not run outside of the limits. *
- The with limits option also has the mixing feature. If mixing is enabled the ventilator will continue to pull in outdoor air until your set point is met or the outdoor air temperature or humidity is outside your chosen limit. (This can cause your ventilator to run past or less than your run time.)
- Example: If you set your outdoor air temperature limit minimum to 50 degrees and the maximum to 60 degrees, the only time your ventilator will pull in outside air is when the temperature is between 50-60 degrees. The same goes for outdoor air humidity limits. If you have your minimum humidity limit set to 20% and your maximum humidity limit set to 45%, the ventilator will only pull in outside air to humidify your home if the humidity is between 20-45%.
* If you are required to have a minimum ventilation time you will need to choose the minimum setting as the with limits setting can run less than your minimum run time if the temperature or humidity is outside your limits.
* Ventilator settings are an advanced feature on Touch 2. Please consult with your HVAC technician for proper configuration.