Account Management

How do I change the name of my Sensi thermostat?

Follow the steps outlined below to change the name of your Sensi thermostat:

  1. Open the Sensi app.
  2. Tap on the thermostat name you want to change.
  3. Tap on the settings gear in the upper right.
  4. Tap Name, location & time.
  5. You can change the name of your thermostat in the first field called “Thermostat Name”.
  6. Tap the Save button (iOS) or the back arrow (Android) to save changes and get back to the main screen.

NOTE: In order to change the name of your thermostat, you will need to fill in your Address, City, State, Country and Zip Code information before clicking Save. If you already have this information entered, then you will be able to update your thermostat name.