

The Boost feature is available only if your HVAC equipment has more than one stage of heating or cooling. Boost allows you to quickly engage all stages of your available heating/cooling to get the room temperature where you need it, fast.  

Turning Boost on provides maximum comfort. Turning Boost off provides maximum efficiency.


How does the Boost feature work?

When the Boost feature is turned on, all available heating or cooling stages will be utilized when the temperature is manually changed by three degrees—a three degree increase in Heat Mode, or a three degree decrease in  Cool Mode.

When the Boost setting is turned off, the thermostat will utilize additional stages based on a calculation of current system performance.

The Boost feature is defaulted to On to provide comfort rapidly when the temperature is adjusted three or more degrees in the corresponding mode.


Where is the Boost feature located?

For systems with multiple indoor or multiple outdoor stages of heating or cooling, the Boost feature will appear in the Sensi app.

  1. Open the Sensi app.
  2. Tap on your thermostat name.
  3. Tap on the settings gear.
  4. Tap on System settings.
  5. There is a corresponding Boost feature for each mode with additional stages. You can turn Boost On/Off for Cool Mode, Heat Mode and Aux Mode.