Homeowner tips

Tips to save energy by changing your air filter

Did you know that replacing your furnace air filter could lower your energy use by up to 15%*? Make sure your HVAC system and filter are ready for the change in seasons.

changing furnace filter

We’ve partnered with our friends at Filtrete™ Brand on some tips for proper filter maintenance that can help you optimize HVAC performance while improving air quality. From 3M, Filtrete Brand has been manufacturing furnace air filters for almost 25 years and is the most trusted filter brand in America**.  

How often should you change your filter?  

It is recommended to check your filter once a month and change when dirty (at minimum, every three months for 1” versions). Depending on pets in the home and amount of HVAC usage, more frequent changes may be needed. Learn more about when it is best to change your filter.   

Also, don’t forget to clean your air vents. Cold air can’t get through if the vent is blocked. Routinely vacuum and dust your air vents and make sure the air flow is clear from furniture or curtains.  


How do I know which filter is right for my home?  

When choosing a furnace air filter, size isn’t the only thing that matters. Filters can be made of different materials that alter the amount of airflow that can pass through.  

Look for filters that have electrostatic components that act like a magnet to attract and capture allergens—particles that can pass through fiberglass filters. This feature helps to protect your heating and cooling system and improve your indoor air quality by cleaning the air as it passes through the filter.

anatomy of a furnace filter

Filter Ratings: What is the difference between MPR and MERV? 

There are several different rating systems that measure the effectiveness of furnace air filters. 
Scientists at 3M believe that Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) only tells part of the story. It’s why Filtrete Brand created a different measurement — Microparticle Performance Rating (MPR). This rating includes microscopic particles not visible to the naked eye. Microparticles are not even measured on the MERV scale until it reaches MERV 11.

Exclusive Filtrete™ Brand filter technology focuses on capturing the tiniest particles – between 0.3 and 1 micron (µm) in size.  The Healthy Living MPR 1500 & above filters capture bacteria, cough and sneeze particles, and even viruses.  All Filtrete Brand filters are designed to deliver premium filtration with low lifetime airflow resistance making them ideal for your heating and cooling system with proper change frequency. 

filter reminders on Sensi App

Reminders to Change Your Filter --- When it’s right to change for your home

Perhaps changing your furnace air filter isn’t at the top of your to-do list. It’s not exciting, but it can make a huge difference in the comfort and quality of air in your home. 
The Sensi app now makes it easy to receive filter change reminders and store your specific filter size & type. Learn more about filter reminders on the Sensi app.

And check out new Filtrete Smart HVAC Air Filters.  These filters include an embedded sensor that gathers real-time HVAC system data, provides updates on your outdoor air quality and offers tips and alerts to help improve the air quality inside of your home. 

Changing the furnace filter

This video shows how to change out a furnace filter.

*Source, Energystar.gov
**Source, 2018 TNS Brand Health Tracking Study