
Celebrate ENERGY STAR Day

Save Today For The Future Of Your Loved Ones

October 12th is ENERGY STAR Day!

Join Sensi in celebrating with some simple ways to save energy around your home.

Being sustainable is easier with Sensi smart thermostats

ENERGY STAR makes being sustainable easier and provides a list of actions you can take to become more energy efficient. Sensi smart thermostats are ENERGY STAR approved because of the benefits they provide in saving energy. Sensi smart thermostats allow remote scheduling and monitoring to help you predict, prevent and protect against expensive HVAC problems.

Save energy with Sensi smart thermostat

Share photos of your favorite ways to save energy (hint hint, your Sensi 😊) with #ENERGYSTARday.



Your energy provider may be offering instant discounts or rebates on smart thermostats and other ENERGY STAR certified products. 

Sensi is a proud recipient of ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence Award 2022

Sensi is  making communities just like yours more sustainable and energy efficient. This year, we are proud to partner with Ameren Missouri to provide customers the opportunity to receive an energy savings bundle that includes both a Sensi smart thermostat and an Emporia smart plug for only $1. Sensi smart thermostats were the first smart thermostat to receive the ENERGY STAR’s Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence Award.